Alternative Septic Systems was started by John Reed in July, 2009 in Oakhurst, CA. The company was formed in response to the lack of providers for top quality engineered septic disposal systems in Central California. After extensive research he chose to become a dealer for Orenco Systems, Inc., the manufacturer of the state of the art Advantex treatment systems, the premier onsite septic treatment systems in the world. The Advantex system produces irrigation grade wastewater, suitable for subsurface drip or shallow pressurized drainfields. It is environmentally sound, expandable, quiet, efficient, and a proven solution for difficult sites. It is ideal for steep slopes, shallow water or rock, small lots, and commercial applications.Alternative Septic Systems is an approved dealer for residential, commercial and municipal systems. From the design through the installation to the ongoing servicing of the systems, Alternative Septic Systems is the resource needed to point you in the right direction. We can help with small gray water collection systems of less than 100 gallons per day to large municipal systems treating up to 1 million gallons per day. If you have a site that cannot hook to a municipal sewer system, and a conventional septic system is not appropriate, Alternative Septic Systems can help.